Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Team

Aaaah sulit sekali meluangkan waktu buat nulis cerita selengkapnya, sekarang baru pengen (dan bisa) ngepost ini. 
Here's the Pasmalima Rinjani Team 

Eko B. Febriyanto - 169

Beny Adisaputro - 175

Trizar Rizqiawan - 206

Nuansa Retno Andhani - 236

Nurul Huda - 251

The team at Post 2 Sembalun

The team at Segara Anak 

Well, I'm gonna miss my big brothers and my only sister - ya I was the youngest of them - and the amazing trip I had with them. Wish there will be another journey like this, whether with these people again or another Pasmalima member.


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